A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

Chapter 214 - I Miss you

Chapter 214: I Miss you

Having changed her clothes, Luo Xiaoxi felt thirsty and opened the fridge. She was surprised to see so many bottles of her favorite mineral water inside.

Suspecting it was an illusion, she took out one and dangled it toward Su Yicheng. “Ain’t we run out of them?”

Su Yicheng answered, “I bought a carton just now.”

“Ugh, you got changed… to buy them?” Luo Xiaoxi felt it was an illusion again—”He’s ever up to such trivial things?”

“How else?” Su Yicheng came over. “I did it just for you, then what have you got for me in return?”

Of course.

Luo Xiaoxi kissed Su Yicheng on the cheek at once.

Su Yicheng was pleased with angles in his lips and he caressed Luo Xiaoxi’s face. “I did it just en route, and I am glad what you’ve got for me.”

Luo Xiaoxi. “… You tricked me and ruined our basic trust!”

She wouldn’t let it over and was ready to show her little grievance to Su Yicheng, only to be hugged into his arms with no way to escape.

She smiled like a fox and deliberately nestled up against Su Yicheng. “What are you doing?”

Su Yicheng stared at Luo Xiaoxi’s ruddy lips. “Have a taste!”

“Look!” Luo Xiaoxi launched her charm offensive by handing the bottle to Su Yicheng. “It is not opened yet, you… ugh…”

It turned out that her little grievance was finally dispelled by Su Yicheng, and the two burst into flirtatious romp in the living room.

No one had noticed that on the opposite side of the building, a telephoto lens had been aimed at them with crazy shots.

It was past five in the afternoon when Su Yicheng drove Luo Xiaoxi home.

Luo Xiaoxi untied the seat belt. “Anything to say, gon’ go?”

Su Yicheng reached out and stopped Luo Xiaoxi. “Won’t you come back to me tonight?”

“I promised to my dad to spend half of every week at home.” Luo Xiaoxi gently pushed away Su Yicheng’s hands. “Just wait for me, and I’ll be back to you tomorrow!”

After that, Luo Xiaoxi pushed open the car door and when sliding off towards her house, she glanced back and waved at Su Yicheng. “Bye!”

Su Yicheng gritted his teeth. “You bloody chick.

“Coming back tomorrow? I will make you unable to walk out my door then?” Su Yicheng thought.

Father Luo was watering in the garden but he observed how happy his girl when she came in. He laughed to her. “Why don’t you invite him in?”

“Why? he was just my chauffeur.” Luo Xiaoxi pretended annoyance of Su Yicheng’s courtship. “Lao Luo, is this the camelia you grew last year? It has blossomed!”

“Flowers always blossom.” Old Luo was insinuating. “Unlike your relationship.”

“What do you mean by this?” Luo Xiaoxi pretended bitterness.

“I mean, your relationship is going nowhere, unlike this flower which blossoms with the nourishment of fertilizer.” Lao Luo didn’t care if he would hurt her feelings. “A perfect simile, isn’t it?”

Luo Xiaoxi was saddened. “Bullshit!”

She doubted if there was another one so cruel like her father in this world.

“Every father in this world is supposed to try their best to make for her girl’s wish and considerately avoid her grief.”

Only Lao Luo was a curious one who had always reminded her of her scars.

But today her scars had healed.

“You are beaming so happily, so what’s happened? Father Luo jogged her with his elbow. “But I am really disappointed with the recent bearish stock market, so share with me your good luck and happiness?”

Luo Xiaoxi looked at her own old man in disdain. “I know you were fishing for something about Su Yicheng and me, and it is pathetic!” She grabbed Lao Luo by his hand. “It doesn’t matter if you lost in the stock market. Because I will earn a lot and you can count on me. Let’s go to dinner, I am starved!”

Lao Luo uttered “Aha?” and said, “You were away last night and today perhaps with Su Yicheng, but you haven’t had your dinner today?”

Luo Xiaoxi managed to conceal her diffidence inside. “Of course, I have, but not much. So, I am hungry now!”

In dinner, Lao Luo got her some saute spicy chicken which she had always requested in the usual. “Xiaoxi, remember that man won’t cherish what they can get easily.”

“…” Luo Xiaoxi suddenly stopped and looked at Lao Luo with confusion.

In contrast with a nervous Luo Xiaoxi, Lao Luo appeared to be much easier. He smiled. “Men are born conquerors. The harder it is to conquer their prey, the more indelible their pursuits are. Dad has been doing business for so many years, and the most impressive people for me are the most difficult customers.”

Luo Xiaoxi found that she was about to betray herself but finally brought herself under control. “Old Luo, why did you tell me this?

Old Luo smiled and gestured with his hands. “It is heard that Su Yicheng’s making advances towards you. So that was my advice on it.”

Luo Xiaoxi relieved inwardly because she thought Old Luo might have found out about them.

After dinner, Mr. Luo and Mrs. Luo were walking in the neighborhood. Mrs. Luo signed. “Our naughty girl must be very cheerful at the thought of having deceived us. But what’s so good about Su Yicheng that she has loved him with heart and soul?”

“She will know she’s wrong one day.” Father Luo waved his hands with resignation. “Let it be. If by any chance she marries him one day, then they might really be meant for each other.”

It was getting dark so fast when Luo Xiaoxi played several chess games. After that, Luo Xiaoxi retired into her room at 11 pm sharp, announcing she had to sleep.

But in fact, she couldn’t fell asleep.

The seemingly casual warning from her father had swayed her mind anyhow.

“Does a man never cherish what he gets easily? Even if they are a living person around him?” She thought.

Maybe she was obsessed and possessed that she wouldn’t regret it despite her worries.

Luo Xiaoxi turned herself on the bed when her phone on the bedside cupboard rang. She took it over and saw it was Su Yicheng’s call.

“Hello?” She answered the phone in an unhappy voice.

Su Yicheng detected Luo Xiaoxi’s nuance in her voice. “Anything wrong?”

Luo Xiaoxi clutched her phone as if determined for something. “When will you talk to my father?”

From the receiver came Su Yicheng’s little laughter. “Are you so anxious for the talk?”

“…” Luo Xiaoxi bit her lips to refrain herself from admitting it.

“Just wait for some time,” Su Yicheng said, “I have something to do for the time being.”

“What is that?” Luo Xiaoxi asked.

Su Yicheng became silent for a while. “You will know it in the future.”

Oh, it must be something about her.

Luo Xiaoxi felt herself itching for what Su Yicheng had said, but she knew she had to wait considering Su Yicheng had never changed his mind.

But if she was really anxious to know it, she had to force it out of him like she did yesterday.

With a huge price like the one she paid yesterday, though.

Finally, Luo Xiaoxi chose to keep the suspense. “Alright, just wait.”

She began to ramble on with him, who curiously didn’t refuse her gossips.

In contrast, Su Jianan had been busy as hell.

There had been increasing suspicion about Wang Hong, so had there been about Dongzi who was very cunny and for whom Kang Ruicheng had hired a lawyer. Now the whole investigation group still had no clue about the critical evidence and had to continue their hard work.

It was weekends but they had to work deep into night.

Jiang Shaokai was the only one who had been enthusiastic and had never complained a whiff. When Su Jianan asked why, he said, “If I have to decide between the dead and alive, I will choose the former.”

Su Jianan knew the truth that Jiang Shaokai must have been asked to date with Zhou Qilan again but his work served as a plausible excuse to escape dating.

But he was baffled. “Why don’t you meet girls more often? Will you take a dead woman as your wife?”

Jiang Shaokai was almost shattered by his words. “Su Jianan, don’t you have any pleasant joke?”

Su Jianan shrugged, cleansed her cup and put it back in her seat. “I am leaving now.”

Nothing from Kang Ruicheng today and she could relieve at the thought that he must have lost his interests, only to meet him when she stepped out of her office.

He was in a wind coat with an expensive cigarette between his lips, so cool to look at. However, there seemed something dangerous and evil behind his well-defined features in the smoke.

Devil was the best word for him.

Su Jianan wanted to go around him subconsciously, but Kang Ruicheng got in her way, as if clear about her thoughts. “Are you so afraid of me as not to have said hello?”

“What terms do you think are we on?” Su Jianan said coldly.

“But I am here just for you.” Kang Ruicheng ignored her attitude. “Shall we walk together?”

“Don’t you forget it is a police station here.” Su Jianan stepped backward, away from him. “No one can misbehave here, take a hike from me now!”

Kang Ruicheng squinted slightly at Su Jianan. “A woman did the same as you, but she died a few years after that.”

“You are threatening me?” Su Jianan became unafraid and looked at him straight. As a law-abiding and decent citizen, she had no reason to be afraid of such a scoundrel.

“No, I am telling you that you had better not be so defiant.” Kang Ruicheng suddenly bore on her. “There’s no one I can’t get. Don’t want to dictate to me.”

When their eyes met, the freezing fear came back to Kang Ruicheng like a snake releasing its scary tongue, and she shivered involuntarily.

“You can only blame yourself for having married someone from the Lu Family,” Kang Ruicheng said with his icy voice. “I hate Lu’s above others!”

Su Jianan had an impulse to swear at him.

“There are too many people whose last name are Lu for him to hate, has he just escaped from a shrank?” she thought.

She decisively walked around him towards the police station, and from behind came his frosty voice. “Remember, you are bound to be mine sooner or later.”

Su Jianan ignored the voice but the fear was inflating inside. She accelerated and burst into running when getting out of the station.

Seeing Jianan hurriedly fleeing, Uncle Qian got out of the car. “What’s wrong with you, Young Madam?”

“Nothing.” Su Jianan was reassured to find Uncle Qian and pulled the door open. “Let’s go home quickly.”

Now, only home would make her feel safe.

It was already almost the small hours of the next day when she finished her shower. She calculated the time difference with Lu Boyan, according to which she knew he should have been asleep.

But now her phone beside the pillow was ringing, and it was from him!

Su Jianan’s fear disappeared at once. She picked up the phone and heard his familiar voice. “Have you knocked off yet?”

“Yes, just got back.” Su Jianan laid down on Lu Boyan’s pillow and asked in an unhappy voice. “When are you back tomorrow?”

“What’s up?” First time for him to have heard Su Jianan ask so directly.

Su Jianan bit her lip and uttered in a low voice. “I miss you.”

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