A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

Chapter 1174

Chapter 1174

Chapter 1174: “Well, the time is not yet ripe” (1)

Aunt Liu, empty-handed, stood looking at Lu Bo Yan with a lot of emotions in her heart.

She and Uncle Xu came to work in this villa at the same time, Uncle Xu is the housekeeper, she is responsible for some of Lu Bo Yan’s daily chores, because Lu Bo Yan has a cleanliness fetish, she also has to scrutinize the hygiene of the house from time to time.

Despite this, Aunt Liu and Lu Bo Yan still only had some irrelevant exchanges in their daily lives.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to talk to Lu Bo Yan, but Lu Bo Yan was too busy and his nature was too cold.

Lu Bo Yan went out on time every day and came back late at night, as long as she and Xu Bo arranged everything in the house properly, he definitely didn’t say much of anything and went to the study to continue dealing with things after dinner.


Aunt Liu wondered for a moment if Lu Bo Yan’s life was only about work.

How is he going to find a good girl to marry and start his own family if he keeps going like this?

Aunt Liu has been secretly worried for years, and two years ago, Su Jianan finally lived in this home in the name of Lu Boyan’s wife.

From the time Su Jianan moved over, Lu Boyan’s home time became earlier.

In the beginning, although Lu Boyan and Su Jianan slept in separate rooms, it was not so bad that there was no communication between the two people at all.

Then, Aunt Liu realized that she could see a smile on Lu Bo Yan’s face.

Lu Bo Yan’s daily routine started to change from that time.

He no longer followed a schedule to get through the day, Su Jianan would occasionally disrupt his plans, but he wasn’t angry.

Lu Bo Yan finally had obvious likes and dislikes.

He no longer spends his days taut and cold with a clearly good-looking face, as if he’s ready to respond to some great crisis at any moment.

After Xiyou and Xiangyi were born, Lu Boyan underwent an even greater change.

The innate coldness in him felt like it had been smoothed out by something, and he no longer looked like he was shutting people out.

He was still imposing, but he had feelings and warmth like every normal person.

Just like now, he could sacrifice his sleep to hold his daughter, pulling out all the care and gentleness to coax her, and not only was there not a trace of impatience on his face, but it was overflowing with a kind of doting gentleness.

If it were two years ago now, Aunt Liu wouldn’t even dare to imagine such a picture.

With a father like Lu Bo Yan, the two little ones, Xiyou and Xiangyi, will definitely be very happy in their path of growth.

Xiangyi babbled until after four in the morning before she tilted her head and fell asleep in Lu Boyan’s arms.

Aunt Liu had already woken up from her nap, and when she saw that Lu Bo Yan was placing Xiangyi into the crib, she hurried over and said, “Mr. Lu, go back to your room and go to sleep, I’ll take care of the rest.”

“It’s okay, I’ll do it.”

Lu Bo Yan still meticulously helped Xiangyi cover the quilt before returning to his room.

The night outside the window was not so thick anymore, and the dawn had the power to break through the horizon at any moment and blossom across the land with abandon.

A new day is fast approaching.

Su Jianan was oblivious to all this and slept extraordinarily sweetly.

Lu Bo Yan didn’t wake Su Jian An, lying down without moving like when he woke up, and re-embracing Su Jian An in his arms.

Su Jianan seemed to be feeling Lu Bo Yan’s breath, pursed her cherry-pink lips, drilled a little into his arms, her whole body leaning against her, her pretty little face a calm and reassuring.

This is probably the subconscious dependence that …… emanates from.

Lu Bo Yan looked at Su Jianan for a while, the corner of his lips rose in a satisfied arc, closed his eyes, and not long after, he also fell asleep.

A little over two hours later, it was after seven.

Su Jianan opened her eyes and unexpectedly realized that Lu Boyan was still sleeping heavily, with absolutely no sign of waking up.

In the past, he would have woken up by this time!

Su Jianan tried to get up quietly, and still didn’t wake Lu Bo Yan up.

If it were usual, if her movements were even lighter, Lu Bo Yan would have noticed and opened his eyes to fish her back under the covers to bully her a bit.

Only today, he was surprised to find nothing.

Sujanan mulled it over, and only one possibility came to mind–

There’s been a lot going on lately, and Lu Bo Yan is too tired.

She decided to give him a treat!

Su Jianan briskly slipped on her slippers, washed up and changed her clothes, and went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

She moved very quickly, and in less than half an hour, she prepared a hearty breakfast and walked out of the kitchen, but she only saw Auntie Liu, or did not see Lu Bo Yan.

She let out a breath and asked Aunt Liu to go up and call Lu Bo Yan.

Aunt Liu didn t immediately do as she was told, but instead hesitated and said, “Ma’am, how about …… letting Mr. Lu sleep a little longer?”

Su Jianan looked at the time, “But ……” Lu Boyan will be late for work if he doesn’t get up.

Su Jianan only said two words before reacting that something was wrong.

Aunt Liu has been in this home for a long time and is more familiar with Lu Bo Yan’s work and rest habits than she is.

Lu Bo Yan not waking up at this time is a very rare thing, Aunt Liu should feel strange ah, why would she in turn advise her to let Lu Bo Yan sleep a little more?

Su Jianan looked at Aunt Liu strangely and asked tentatively, “Aunt Liu, am I missing something I should know?”

“It’s not that serious.” Aunt Liu waved her hand and told Su Jianan one by one, “Yesterday at three o’clock or so, Xiangyi suddenly woke up, Sister-in-law Wu and I couldn’t manage it, so we had to go and knock on the door of your room, and Mr. Lu woke up, and stayed with Xiangyi until five o’clock before going back to sleep again.”

Lu Bo Yan not only woke up once last night, but also left the room for two hours in the middle?

Su Jianan’s brain went blank, the whole person was confused: “How come I don’t know anything?”

Aunt Liu smiled and explained, ”I heard Sister-in-law Wu say that it was Mr. Lu who signaled not to wake you up. When I got up early this morning, Sister Wu even said that she envied you too much. Actually, I also feel ……”


Su Jianan looked in the direction of the second floor-

She could no longer hear what Aunt Liu said next.

She suddenly remembered that after Xiyou and Xiangyi were born, Lu Boyan would wake up late from time to time.

She had always thought that it was because there were too many things going on during this period of time and Lu Bo Yan was too tired.

Until today, she didn’t realize that many nights, she was carefully cared for by Lu Bo Yan, so she could wind up sleeping peacefully for a night.

The storm that the two little ones made in the middle of the night was all blocked by Lu Bo Yan.

Not to mention others, she was starting to envy herself.

Su Jianan’s heart suddenly surged with a wave of something, she took off her apron and handed it to Auntie Liu, and regardless of this, she ran up the stairs and back to her room.

Lu Bo Yan was indeed still sleeping.

It should be fun to wake him up at a time like this.

Su Jianan ran over and got down on the side of the bed, gently sweeping the tips of her hair over the tip of Lu Bo Yan’s nose.

It’s a sensation that’s supposed to tickle, and the deadliest part is that you can feel it just as much even when you’re asleep.

Lu Bo Yan really frowned and turned his face away from Su Jian An’s harassment.

Su Jianan where will be willing to give up, climbed up | bed to repeat the same trick, and swept Lu Bo Yan.

This time, Lu Bo Yan’s brows knit deeper, abruptly opening his eyes-

Su Jianan didn’t expect Lu Bo Yan to wake up so quickly and was startled.

But she also reacted quickly, “Bark-” and kissed Lu Bo Yan on the lips, smiling like a flower as she looked at him, “Good morning.”

Lu Bo Yan had just woken up and his vision was not particularly clear.

In the haze, he saw Su Jianan’s smiling face and the morning light that caressed her soft contours.

Su Jianan in the morning light, bright and beautiful, as if a gentle luminous body.

Lu Bo Yan’s newly awakened heart, stupid | want | move.

Su Jianan saw Lu Bo Yan did not react, bent down close to him: “What’s the matter, are you still very sleepy?”

The scent of her body drilled into Lu Bo Yan’s airway, fragrant and charming.

Lu Bo Yan’s last self-control collapsed at this moment.

He narrowed his eyes, grabbed Su Jianan’s shoulders, rolled over on one side and pressed against her, saying, “Not sleepy.”

“Well!” Su Jianan blinked her eyes in an innocent manner, “You’ll get up when you’re not sleepy!”

Lu Bo Yan pressed Su Jian An’s shoulder not lightly, a thought-provoking smile on his lips, “Jian An, I don’t want to get up right now.”

Su Jianan looked at Lu Bo Yan curiously, “Then what do you want to do?”

“……” The danger in the bottom of Lu Bo Yan’s eyes added one more point, staring at Su Jianan like a wolf, asking in a low voice, “Did you do it on purpose?”

“Huh?” Sujianan continued to play dumb, “What?”

Lu Bo Yan has always been very good at dealing with Su Jian installing stupidity.

He stopped talking nonsense and directly kissed Su Jianan’s lips.

Su Jianan struggled for a moment, but soon realized that how she struggled was futile and could only obediently allow Lu Bo Yan to fish and meat.

Lu Bo Yan originally just wanted to scare Su Jianan, not realizing that he was not willing to be shallow at all, he was slow to let go of Su Jianan, and could only slow down the pace of plundering.

Su Jianan waited for a long time and finally found a chance to speak out and said, “Aunt Liu told me everything.”

Lu Bo Yan stopped and looked at Su Jian An: “What did Aunt Liu tell you?”

“The matter of you getting up last night to accompany Xiangyi.” Su Jianan grabbed Lu Boyan’s arm, “Why didn’t you tell me to get up?” Lu Bo Yan still has to go to the company today, the one who should have a good rest is obviously him.

Lu Bo Yan knew what Su Jian An was thinking, smiled, and said lightly, “I’m at the company all day, and I only have time to accompany Xiyou and Xiangyi in the evening, are you sure you still want to compete with me?”

“……” Su Jianan poked Lu Bo Yan without any good humor, “You know I don’t mean that!” After a pause, she still asked directly, “Aren’t you very tired like this?”

Lu Bo Yan pointed to the wall clock in the room, “So I slept an extra forty minutes.”

“…… “Su Jianan was speechless, sat up and said, “Well, I prepared breakfast, you change your clothes and go down for breakfast!”

Lu Bo Yan stared deeply at Su Jian An and whispered, “I want to eat you even more now.”

After hearing such words more often, Su Jianan also became calm, signaling Lu Boyan with her gaze to be calm and said, “Don’t be in a hurry, the time is not ripe yet.”

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