48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1004 - Retreat

Chapter 1004: Retreat

No.8 began to realize that fighting with Zhang Heng in the castle was probably not the wisest decision. Only ten minutes had passed since they entered, and they lost almost half their people. Although they still outnumbered him, losing No.2 and No.3 made No.8 feel horrible.

Although this operation was supported by two federal police squads, No.8 knew all too well that the only ones he could really rely on were the two companions around him. All the emergency response team members led by 0 were combat geniuses that were on a different level compared to ordinary federal police officers. Even though the two federal police squads were made up of federal police elites, they could only assist the emergency team members in the battle. The ones that decided the flow of the battle were still the emergency response team.

These were things No.8 had deduced earlier, but now he was a little shaken by his assumption. Zhang Heng eliminated both of his allies cleanly, without them making any noise. Like a ghost hidden within the smoke, No.8 couldn’t figure out how Zhang Heng knew where everyone was, even if he was equipped with a thermal detector. And at the same time, he could come and go freely as if he was completely unaffected by the smoke.

And at this time, he also realized that he was the only member out of the three emergency response team members who were still alive. And that was no accident wither. Compared with No.2 and No.3, he was shot twice with a sniper rifle, significantly affecting his strength and speed. That was why Zhang Heng did not kill him first. But the question was, how did the other party identify everyone so clearly in the thick smoke?

Combined with the loss of No.6 and No.9, No.8 started to doubt his plan tonight. And now, he had to accept that his plan had failed. No.8 wanted to retreat, but before he could speak, he heard the gunshots again.

This time, the gunshot was real, and it was not recorded. No.8 could hear that the person who fired the shot was near him, and he was moving at high speed. So, No.8 immediately started shooting at the place where the gunfire came from. At first, he felt a little strange. Judging from Zhang Heng’s previous attacks, it could be seen that the latter always had a clear goal and priorities in his mind.

Logically speaking, after No.2 and No.3 were gone, No. 8 should be the most valuable target to him. However, Zhang Heng did not target him first. But soon, No. 8 thought of something, and his nerves were tightened up again.

He now figured out what Zhang Heng’s target was in this attack!

It was the thermal detectors!

Before entering the castle, the team was equipped with a total of three heat detectors. In a smoke-filled environment, the thermal detectors were their eyes. Needless to say, Zhang Heng had now taken away the thermal detector No.2 was holding. In other words, there were only two detectors left. Technically speaking, they only had one thermal detector left. Zhang Heng must have killed another police officer holding the last one.

So, No.8 quickly made a decisive decision. He did not want his men to retrieve the thermal detectors. Instead, he directed his men to continue shooting while backing out of the castle. Zhang Heng did not play any tricks this time. By relying on the excellent vision provided by the Filter Lens, he managed to dodge the rain of bullets. And every time he raised his hand and pulled the trigger, he would take a life away, just like the Death wielding a sickle.

On the other hand, his opponents had to rely on their instinct and hearing to retaliate at will. The only threat to Zhang Heng was No.8. However, Zhang Heng did not put too much pressure on them because of stray bullets flying around.

Even so, after they left the castle and No.8 counted the people around him, he found out that the number of people that were left alive was reduced from thirty to only six.

No. 8 could no longer rely on them to deal with Zhang Heng. He ordered the remaining six people to spread out, find cover, keep an eye on the castle’s entrance, and stop him from leaving the castle. On the other hand, he told everyone that he was going to look for help. However, it was just an excuse that he came up with to run away from this place while others were not paying attention.

Now No.8’s goal had changed from killing Zhang Heng to staying alive. Soon after he left, he heard the gunshots from behind again. No.8 did not stop running. To him, the federal police officers were the cannon fodder of this operation. Since they failed to encircle Zhang Heng earlier, the least they could do was buy him some time to escape.

The gunfire lasted for less than two minutes.

No.8 felt terrible for them, but he also knew the stark difference in strength between the two sides. This result wasn’t unexpected. At the same time, No.8 also realized that he had to run faster. He even forgot about his broken ribs and started to run like a cheetah.

On the other side, after Zhang Heng dealt with the federal police officer, he realized that No.8 had escaped, but he was in no hurry to go after him. He threw away the pistol in his hand, returned to the second floor, opened the window on the south side, and he aimed his Barrett at the figure that was almost turning into a tiny black spot.

Instead of rushing to shoot at him, Zhang Heng adjusted his breathing first, felt the wind speed and direction before holding the sniper rifle in his hand.

At this time, the distance between the two reached 2,300 meters, way beyond the Barrett’s maximum effective range. No.8 breathed a sigh of relief and started to slow down a little. He was preparing to run towards the door.

But the moment he turned around and looked behind him, Zhang Heng, who was 2300 meters away, finally pulled the trigger in his hand. The next moment, No.8 was sent flying again, but he was not as lucky as the first two times. Although the bullet did not penetrate the bulletproof vest, the bullet’s huge impact shattered his ribs, its fragments puncturing his lungs.

No.8 did not die immediately. Lying in front of the burger shop, and attempted to get up and run again. Despite his best efforts, however, Zhang Heng’s remarkable marksmanship had completely destroyed his courage, causing him to trembled in fear uncontrollably, unable to recuperate. Not wanting to fight Zhang Heng anymore, all he wanted was to run as far away as he could. However, he realized that he could no longer stand up from the ground, and at the same time, breathing became more and more difficult.

While No.8 wheezed and choked, he stretched his hand to his waist, trying to grab the emergency medical injection, but his vision became more and more blurry. If someone were by his side, the person would see that his face had turned red, and veins had started popping up from beneath his skin. That was the sign of hypoxia.

Finally, the emergency medical injection in No.8’s hand fell to the ground, and his body stopped moving completely after several convulsions.

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